Why Choose Us?

We buy completely AS IS.
No cleaning, no repairs, not a penny needs to be spent on your part before we buy.

We pay CASH!
We are not dependent on bank financing. By paying cash we eliminate the long, drawn out process of getting bank financing which is a common occurrence when selling to traditional buyers on the market.

Limited walkthroughs!
Most of the time we will only need to see the property once! That’s a lot less than the numerous showings that will happen when listing on the market!

We will close on your timeline.
Whether that be as fast as 1 week or months down the road. The point being, we work on your schedule.

We pay ALL closing costs!
When selling a property on the market you must pay the closing costs associated with the sale. With us there’s no need to worry about that!

No agent commisions!
When selling through a realtor you will have to pay their commissions. These are often 6% of the final sale price. With us you get to keep that money in your pocket!

Uncovering the most streamlined solution that suits your specific seller needs is our top priority. We strive to create mutually beneficial scenarios where everyone departs with a smile of satisfaction, while ensuring the solution is finely tuned to address what holds the most importance for you.